Jim Beam Whiskey Just Jumped Into the Pancake Syrup Game


Source - Adding whiskey to your maple syrup might not sound like the most productive way to start your day, but it sure does sound delicious. We’re not too sure how much Bourbon is in these whiskey-infused Jim Bean Pancake Syrup bottles, but each bottle carries 16-ounces of sugary goodness, so at least there’s plenty to work with. You can buy a pack of six, and you can add the syrup to just about anything: pancakes, crepes, french toast–heck, you can even add it to your coffee. Enjoy!


Some say too much of a good thing is a bad thing. People who drink Jim Beam don’t follow that mantra. I have a feeling that this can catch on and become huge. Start a trend in the syrup game. And you know the next obvious choice? Fireball syrup. Lil bit of that cinnamon twinge to it on some fuckin’ french toast could be a complete game changer. Fuck, if Miller Lite made a syrup, you know I’m buying 8-15 of those bottles. Let’s see if a trend is set, or if syrup isn’t the new new hotness in whiskey products. Only time will tell.

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